Angel Aura, also known as Opal Aura or Rainbow Aura, is a crystal that has been treated with a thin layer of metal, usually platinum or silver, to create a beautiful iridescent effect. The treatment gives the crystal a stunning array of colors, including pastel shades of blue, pink, and violet. Angel Aura is created through a process called vapor deposition, where the crystal is placed in a vacuum chamber and metal ions are bonded to its surface at a molecular level. This process creates a permanent and durable coating that enhances the crystal's appearance.
The name "Angel Aura" is derived from the crystal's ethereal and angelic appearance. It is believed to have a high vibrational energy that resonates with the angelic realm, hence its association with angels. Angel Aura is known for its ability to uplift the spirit, promote joy, and facilitate connection with higher realms. Metaphysically, Angel Aura is believed to enhance communication with angels, spirit guides, and divine beings. It is often used during meditation and spiritual practices to deepen one's spiritual connection, promote inner peace, and awaken psychic abilities.
Angel Aura is also associated with the crown chakra, promoting spiritual enlightenment and a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe. Aside from its metaphysical properties, Angel Aura is highly valued for its aesthetic appeal. It is often used in jewelry and as a decorative stone, adding a touch of enchantment and beauty to any setting. In summary, Angel Aura is a captivating crystal that combines the properties of quartz with a metallic coating, resulting in a mesmerizing iridescent appearance. It is cherished for its metaphysical properties, which include enhancing spiritual connection, promoting joy, and uplifting the spirit.
The process that creates the iridescent effect on Angel Aura crystals is called vapor deposition. During this process, the crystal is placed in a vacuum chamber, and a thin layer of metal, typically platinum or silver, is bonded to its surface at a molecular level. The metal ions create a permanent and durable coating that reflects light in a way that produces the stunning array of colors seen in Angel Aura crystals. This process gives the crystals their ethereal and iridescent appearance, making them truly unique and captivating.