Gemstone Blog

Self-Care and Crystals

Posted by Danielle Rautiainen on

For thousands of years, crystals have been revered for both their beauty and crystal healing effects. Many art galleries across Canada allocated several rooms in the museum to show off various gemstones and explain their geological origin....

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Get Ready to Forge a New Path

Posted by Kelly S Thompson on

I really enjoy creating grids because it gives me the opportunity to explore combinations of crystals I may not have otherwise thought to put together.  I always say, there is no "right" or "wrong" way to work with crystals.  I encourage you to trust your intuition and enjoy whatever combination you feel drawn to put together.   Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings.  It is strongly connected with the moon and reminds us to honor the ebb and flow of our own lives.  It helps us see how what we are experiencing fits into the bigger picture.  Moonstone's most...

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Boost Self Esteem with a Crystal Grid

Posted by Kelly S Thompson on

Grids don't have to be complex or contain a large number of crystals.  What matters is that you are combining the healing energy of the crystals in a way that helps you.  This grid is a perfect example, using just 8 tumbled stones and a small selenite tower as a centerpiece. Sodalite unites logic with intuition, providing you with balance between the creative and analytical aspects of your personality.  This amazing stone allows you to remain true to yourself while standing up for what you believe.  It calms the mind, allowing you to release false beliefs and embrace new knowledge. ...

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Creating a Grid for Stress Relief

Posted by Kelly S Thompson on

Many people use sacred geometry to create grids.  Others use various templates you can easily find online and print off.  Personally, I prefer to use my creativity and allow my intuition to guide me.  I tell everyone that whatever works for them is what is meant for them. Creating crystal grids is one of the most empowering way to use crystals.  The best advice I can offer is to not allow the process to overwhelm you.  There are no "rules" and you can't do it "wrong".  The more grids you create, the easier it becomes and before you know it...

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Add a Crystal Wand to Your Metaphysical Toolbox

Posted by Kelly S Thompson on

Crystal wands have been widely used throughout history and do not always look how you might expect.  Some are very raw and to the casual observer will appear as nothing more than a chunk of crystal with a point at one end.  Others are carved and polished into interesting shapes. There are a number of reasons to add a wand to your metaphysical toolbox.  A wand can serve as an extension of your arm to remove blockages, balance energy, and focus your intent.  You can also use a wand for massage, Reiki, and reflexology treatments.When you have a number of...

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