
Diopside 3lb portion CLOSEOUT

Sale price $55.00 Regular price $90.00

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Diopside Raw Pieces

Origin: China

Size: 1cm - 3cm

Weight:  3LBS

Product Type: One of Multiple

Diopside is a monoclinic Pyroxene mineral with a hardness of 5.5-6. The dark green variety of Diopside is often referred to as Chrome Diopside. Diopside is found in Igneous, and occasionally metamorphic, rock.

These Diopside pieces are a nice green color, with the occasional quartz vein running through the stone. While these pieces are small, they are ideal for treasure hunters, as small crystals exist within these unique parcels.

We recommend first sorting through the parcel, looking for crystals, then using the remaining pieces as you see fit, for crafting, Home Décor, Fountains, etc.

Diopside is believed to connect a person to mother earth, and increase conservation interests. It is thought to connect to the heart chakra, and is associated with recovering from grief. Diopside is also believed to increase creativity, and clear energetic blockages.

Due to the nature of natural products, color, size, and style may vary slightly from the photos listed. You will receive product similar to those in the listing.